about > bio/statement

artist statement
My work is driven by the natural world and how we experience it. I see my work as pictures about juxtaposition- of things to other things, of images to experience, of us to to the world we occupy.
I typically use landscape as an entry point- sky, water, place. I’m drawn to these spaces, but I’m also drawn to how we experience them daily...particularly through the language of the hundreds of predetermined images we encounter moment to moment- photos, videos, screens. These intakes help inform how we see the world around us. It’s what we see, and how we see it.
All images of places and things have undergone editing to control narrative and viewer experience. It’s a seemingly endless well of choices- scale, size, edges, duration, etc. I’m interested in exploring these in my work. It feels like language to me, conveying meaning and drawing a response.
In recent years this exploration has taken some of my work off the flat 2-dimensional plane and into deeper space, with the work’s structure pushing into columns and cubes. If image are windows, I’m looking at the window’s shape in addition to the scale- tall verticals, narrowed widths. Edges are of particular interest for me.
All images are substances on surfaces, creating illusion, standing in. This push/pull of illusory space against other types of marks- perhaps flatter and more abstract in nature- is a back and forth dialogue that, for me, speaks about the beautiful artifice of image as much as anything else.
Additionally, while my very dire concerns about our treatment of the environment are not the primary driving force in my work, I can’t ignore them. They seep in. Perhaps as metaphor, perhaps directly.
In the end, artworks are voices from a point in time, about our consciousness in that time. These are mine.